Friday, August 10, 2007

Hannibal Rising - Part 8

Duration: 599 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-14 21:56:38
User: TheDarkKnight29
:::: Favorites

Part 8 to 12

DrHannibalLecterMD ::: Favorites
But it doesn't matter, even the book version of young Hannibal sucked.
07-07-14 20:09:44
TRA6VIE9SA ::: Favorites
Well that's your opinion, but he is still a young actor on the rise and perfect for this movie
07-07-15 22:34:43
DrHannibalLecterMD ::: Favorites
I don't think so. The image of Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins) is not French.
07-07-17 02:27:18
TRA6VIE9SA ::: Favorites
Well you try finding someone who resembles hopkins, otherwise leave it to the proffesionals
07-07-17 19:24:34
DrHannibalLecterMD ::: Favorites
You try finding someone who atleast has some characteristics that mimck Hopkins, that makes sense to me rather then some French guy who nobody knows who it is.
07-07-18 20:35:41
chozoan14 ::: Favorites
no1 can beat Anthony Hopkins...but this movie is still really awesome
07-07-19 13:42:30
TRA6VIE9SA ::: Favorites
why would I find someone that has some "characteristics that mimick Hopkins" if I'm please by this guys performance. Just let it go man, there's nothing you can do about it so there!
07-07-21 12:28:19
JascAquiline ::: Favorites
I Agree with trav6ie9sa. I don't think they look anything alike. but whothe hell is a better actor than Gaspard that resembles Anthony? Gaspard kicked ass in this movie and i think it was better than the other Hannibal Movies.
07-07-22 17:27:29
ElectricEels ::: Favorites
What was she in?
07-07-28 15:00:27
Lecter15 ::: Favorites
I have Gaspard's MySpace. =] I'm on his top friends too! haha! I WIN CAUSE I LOVE HIM THE MOST!!! =]
07-07-29 18:55:14

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