Friday, August 10, 2007

A Vision for Shared Prosperity

Duration: 230 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-31 16:58:14
User: hillaryclintondotcom
:::: Favorites

Hillary outlined her vision for economic growth with fairness and restoring a strong middle class.

rumseyc ::: Favorites
"The fruits of that success just hasn't reached many of our families?" Well, work hard, take risks, stick your neck out a little bit and quit ASKING WHAT AMERICA CAN DO FOR YOU! Start ASKING WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR AMERICA!!!
07-06-07 23:49:57
Dustyfeathers ::: Favorites
Yeah, all of that deregulation of basic services, like electricity, led to private corporations bilking common people and the government of billions of dollars. Billions were made and lost by enron alone while common people were ruined. Then you have the people who are making money off of this Iraq war.I say bring back peace and prosperity that we enjoyed under the Clinton administration. Way to go Madame President!
07-06-12 21:24:01
carlgus1035 ::: Favorites
Oil companies may be gouging, but there's someone gouging the prices even more. The government. Check the gas taxes per gallon. It just might make you mad.
07-06-14 01:07:29
colonelmatterson ::: Favorites
I have. In fact, I teach it. And I support Hillary Clinton. K thx.
07-06-15 23:37:34
Jadedbylife ::: Favorites
Lets see a Clinton/Richardson ticket in 08!!!!! That would rock!
07-06-16 13:58:24
hardright1 ::: Favorites
People have to realize that people with income in the top 1% earn 27% of all income in the USA and pay 37% of all taxes in the USA. The bottom 50% of wage earners pay virtually nothing in income taxes. I fail to see how bashing the top 1% who are paying more than their fair share is going to help anyone.
07-06-17 13:40:58
matsai6 ::: Favorites
The only reason ANYTHING belongs to you is because your fellow man allows you to keep it. Its called civilization....taxation is a pillar of our civil community and it pays to maintain a system that grants you a life lived without constant attack from the hungry masses.Either the government takes it from you in a suit or your neighbors will with a knife...pick one
07-06-22 12:54:37
macrocosm144 ::: Favorites
You go Hillary ... its time to level the playing field! End the robber barons!
07-06-23 12:13:35
ezs21 ::: Favorites
Clinton/Bloomberg would be my choice!! Or Clinton/Clinton haha but I don't think that's legal.
07-06-30 01:55:08
colonelmatterson ::: Favorites
Clinton/Bloomberg! Wow that's actually a really brilliant idea. Course, it prolly won't happen... but good idea!
07-07-04 03:34:10

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