Wednesday, August 8, 2007

我愛黑澀會 - 劉德華天王的異想世界(上) part2

Duration: 497 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-30 17:18:02
User: hahahaheb
:::: Favorites

我愛黑澀會 - 20070730 來賓:劉德華

ychien ::: Favorites
07-07-30 18:07:55
producer0413 ::: Favorites
finally andy comes on the show... been waiting a long time ^.^
07-07-30 20:32:21
producer0413 ::: Favorites
the acting part between hei ren and andy was SO funny~^^
07-07-30 20:37:25
patentleatherones ::: Favorites
andy looks like what edison chen would look like when edison gets older lol
07-07-30 22:09:16
feltonw ::: Favorites
can mei mei get any fatter, looking at her legs is like a horror movie.......
07-07-31 09:58:23
foreverold ::: Favorites
07-07-31 13:34:22
kentso1983 ::: Favorites
the keyboard for 17歲 was a bit off ... just doesn't match the melody lol
07-07-31 18:53:02

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