Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Where's the Hat of Nalts Now?

Duration: 201 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 23:29:24
User: rextangle
:::: Favorites

For more adventures of the hat of Nalts please visit:

SlowStrider ::: Favorites
It's a great honor to have Mikma watch your video's 'n sheat!
07-08-06 20:30:42
rextangle ::: Favorites
No shit n'sheeat
07-08-06 21:23:57
Uhmm..why you really don't dislike Nalts at all, otherwise why would you do so much to promote him? And Sheat!
07-08-06 22:57:15
KingSchism ::: Favorites
Oooooee! Well bust my britches....n'sheeat! That's wondamous!
07-08-07 06:30:26
TheCommentWolf ::: Favorites
Hah, nice. Funny video... And "OSTRALIA"--that was funny as well. Keepm aking funny videos like this! ....'N' shit.
07-08-07 14:44:45
TheCommentWolf ::: Favorites
Keep making***
07-08-07 14:45:03
rextangle ::: Favorites
I don't dislike him at all. Only Tex does
07-08-07 17:53:57
rextangle ::: Favorites
Why is OSTRALIA funny? Does OSTRIA make you laugh too? And INGLAND? FRENCE? JERMANEE? Som'n wrong with you, boy
07-08-07 17:55:46
johnreagannumber1 ::: Favorites
As soon as I saw that house, I knew there was money there! Ebay it and sheeat ;) I love Nalts and love you brother :D - John Reagan
07-08-07 19:16:51
johnreagannumber1 ::: Favorites
The handwriting was just as I expected it would be. You don't miss a f*cking detail .. you rule!
07-08-07 19:17:53

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