Saturday, August 25, 2007

Philly Teacher Beaten by Student. Bad Parents Hurt Education

Duration: 05:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-17 19:01:27
User: IndependentConserv
:::: Favorites

Joseph Smith was assaulted by an 8th grade student. She got 10 days suspension and was allowed back. 56% of Philadelphia School Teachers don't feel safe at school. 42% of them have been victims of crime at those schools. Imagine if that were your job? Do you really blame the teachers for educational problems there, given what slack parenting has brought to the school doors?

allenivo ::: Favorites
What in the world is skrengf?????? He needs to go back to school himself. And he is a pussy.
07-08-17 12:39:00
ishmaiden ::: Favorites
I wanted to teach History, bu ti know my latiness woudl not tolerate back talk from these punk ass kids. The Unions don't give a fuck, so long as they get paid, and the districts only care about getting the money each school gets per day attended.
07-08-15 04:08:26
helivestubes ::: Favorites
Get rid of the public school system and give all the kids a computer at home. Let the parents deal with their own kids! Im a grandma of 8! Im tired of my taxes going towards teachers who cant teach and kids who wont learn!
07-08-03 22:27:18
yerkeskid ::: Favorites
Back in the day, #1 My parents would have beaten me within inches of my life If I acted like an idiot in school and #2 the teachers had very little tolerance for bad behavior and were very quick to make an exxample of troublemakers. Broken families and to many "rights" for kids are the poroblem. Who is in charge, The adults or the kids?
07-07-31 13:37:07
derekjtg ::: Favorites
if this is a white girl i will be really REALLY surprised. but sadly, its probably a black girl. or a latino girl.
07-07-29 03:46:25
drvinneboombotz ::: Favorites
I'm willing to bet that the %90 of the "very violent" %20 comes from a single parent home. We cannot expect to build a strong community if we continue to create broken families. Our young girls will not know how to comport themselves as young ladies and our males will remain boys instead of young men.
07-07-20 03:18:57
dmizzle79 ::: Favorites
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah you got knocked da Phuck out!
07-07-13 12:18:09
allenivo ::: Favorites
07-08-17 12:38:23
mayartay ::: Favorites
Bill started off saying. "you look like a big guy," but it doesn't matter how big he is. He did the right thing by not hitting the girl back but instead filing criminal charges. Unfortunately, it looks bad anytime a teacher hits a student for any reason.
07-07-12 12:58:19
enoughbs1 ::: Favorites
It's always the parents' fault. The teacher has the kid for 1 hour. The school has the kid for 6/7 hours. The parents have the kid the rest of the time. Local communities, particularly inner-city, don't want the school to discipline students. They call the ACLU or someone to file suit.
07-07-01 15:49:14
coachbagqueen ::: Favorites
That is so true. My sister was sent before the scheool board after taking up a note that was being passed and read it outloud. Not knowing before she read it the content but she as a teacher was trying to contol her classroom. The note was was heavy and involved homosexual relationship btween 2 girls. Never mind that they were being disruptive.
07-07-01 19:03:51
hanban12 ::: Favorites
my major is still undecided. But I've really concidered high school education. Teachers I had, set the bar too low. And I had one good teacher that kept a toothbrush, change of clothes, and a blanket in her locker. I don't want to have to do that to be good. And where I live, teachers only get paid 30 grand a year. My mom gets more on welfare. I do plan on surviving.
07-07-01 03:05:47
titanicmusic14 ::: Favorites
wow thats a quote right there... "And where I live, teachers only get paid 30 grand a year. My mom gets more on welfare. "
07-08-09 11:55:46
hanban12 ::: Favorites
I don't know how to take that.....are you really responding to my quote, or just the thing about my mom?
07-08-10 02:10:01
passionguru247 ::: Favorites
Its interesting. up until i read your qoute , I wanted to be a teacher.
07-08-10 07:40:54
hanban12 ::: Favorites
i know........teacher's don't get paid enough in general, but they aren't acknowledged at all here.
07-08-10 09:11:55
conqueror93 ::: Favorites
I doubt that you are the owner of FOX NEWS
07-06-04 03:44:54
JacksWastedLife4 ::: Favorites
the 14yo could have been a 300lbs fat blak girl
07-05-09 04:47:08
MondoBeno ::: Favorites
When these kids leave school they'll face 3 obstacles in job searches: 1. Outsourcing 2. Immigration 3. Returning veterans. Whose going to hire kids like this? Mexican builders can build a roof in a day. Iraq veterans are the first to be hired at Home Depot or UPS. Most US factories have moved to Mexico thanks to NAFTA. So whose going to hire them? Vote YES to the GUESTWORKER program. I wouldn't want kids like these working in my store or office.
07-05-03 00:40:08
coachbagqueen ::: Favorites
kids r bullied and r told 2 tell a teacher but teachers n principals give favor 2 bullies.teacherss r afraid of getting involved bcuz fear of losing their jobs.laws and rules r so doublestandard. school system has created an unsafe place of learning. Most often there are teachers, counselors, principals... who don't really care about the students. Its just a pay check;job with paid summer vacation.public system is providg medioca education; barely enough toget n college.
07-05-02 00:06:49

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