Saturday, August 25, 2007 Video Blog 2

Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-07 11:14:17
User: WesleyClark
:::: Favorites

Gen. Wes Clark and Jon Soltz of discuss the consequences of a military strike on Iran.

BattleofTours732 ::: Favorites
The Communist Aryeh Neier is pulling the strings for Votevets through OPEN SOCIETY. Its all Soros's money behind MOVEON. The same group supported Lynne Stewart, now in prison for supporting terrorists. Get away from these groups, Vets. Speak on on your own. These SOROS groups support 100% OPEN BORDERS (US Citizenship will not matter, they support gun confiscation, they support appeasement to terrorists like Al Qaeda HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH.
07-08-04 14:57:55
Evolvelution ::: Favorites
Activate now. Information, petitions, march dates: afterdowningstreet(dot)org impeachforpeace(dot)org worldcantwait(dot)org) wanttoknow(dot)info/spreadtheword blackboxvoting(dot)org join the evolution URGENT! You Tube series: DOCUMENTARY -- Hacking.Democracy.(1-9)
07-06-30 04:28:15
TylerAshford ::: Favorites
This video should be deleted. They say "dont go to war with IRAN" and yet discuss about tactics to win that war!!!!!!! they're hypocrites.....absolute hypocrites. ITS LIKE TEACHING ARCEN TO BURN HOUSES WHILE BEING A FIREMAN. VIDEO FLAGGED!!!!!!
07-06-04 05:47:46
TylerAshford ::: Favorites
You guys operate an ANTI-IRAN WAR WEBSITE!!!!!! what the hell are you doing talking about tactics?????????? are you pro-war or anti-war you hypocrite bitches? VIDEO FLAGGED!
07-06-04 05:43:31
PopeFlick ::: Favorites
So you'll take the word of a sniffly, upset british General engagin in hyperbole instead of checking out facts for yourself. In other words: you're wrong and your facts are wrong. And don't buy the 'he tried to start WW3" at face value. Look at what happened and decide for yourself.
07-05-15 14:47:02
chillaxin201 ::: Favorites
If we get into conflick with Iran, It might go nuc!!!we should bomb them now and pull troops out of iraq
07-05-14 23:01:09
CarolYost ::: Favorites
In the 3rd video blog, the sound quality is poor. I think, General Clark, you imply that you could consider war on Iran in the future. I would worry about civilians before I would worry about soldiers. Soldiers are important, but they have signed up for their jobs. Civilians never signed up to be in a war. Many of them are weak. There are babies, old people, people with disabilities. They should come first in any discussion. This is not a game of Monopoly.
07-03-30 00:36:41
thoughtvessel ::: Favorites
Clark and Soltz are right. It would be a bad idea to let things get to the point that we would go to war with Iran.
07-03-20 02:07:21
bitchmeet ::: Favorites
These guys hate America, and they want us to loose in Iraq. There has not been another attack on America because we went into Iraq, but we can't help democatise the region with one hand tied behind our backs. If the liberal media would spend more time on all the good our troops are doing instead of Nichol's death Americans would see that the Iraqis are glad we are there.
07-03-18 16:16:39
hfjai ::: Favorites
Now you're just making stuff up. We based out of Albania during the war; the Pristina incident came after, when Jackson's forces were already there. The Russians NEVER took control. Clark had ordered Jackson to park vehicles on the airstrip so that Russian reinforcements could not arrive. When Jackson refused, Clark got Hungary and Bulgaria to deny use of their air space instead. The Russians at the airfield surrendered, and Russia never got its own sector in Kosovo. Thanks to Clark.
07-03-17 11:56:10
tginmn ::: Favorites
You need to retake history if you think they are even close. Apples are not oranges. Germany and Japan did not have a civil war. Germany and Japan didn't have Haliburton and the other war profiteers skimming off the reconstruction dollars. We need to get out of the way and let the Iraqi people sort it out themselves
07-03-16 01:07:29
atlbev ::: Favorites
Most of you folks are just dedicated to the United States defeat in Iraq. Most Americans support our troops and want to win. I am not a Bush supporter; but your strategy of cutting and running simply hand victory to the enemy. Here's a unique idea. Spend as much energy on supporting a victory in Iraq and support our troops for once!
07-03-16 00:35:36
hfjai ::: Favorites
Why would people who love this country enough to serve in the military voluntarily (like the two men in the video) want the US to lose in Iraq? It's GOP chickenhawks who don't support the troops and have not been willing to do what it takes politically to win. In any case, this video is about not starting a war with Iran, precisely because it would make things MUCH harder for the troops in Iraq, and decrease our chances of success in the region.
07-03-17 12:00:55
atlbev ::: Favorites
Are you dense or just not listening. I actually admitted that the terrorists were not in Iraq before 9/11. They are now! We have to stay now while a political solution is found. It is now being worked on. I'm sure most Americans know that the strategy now is for both a political solution. If we leave; there certainly won't be one. And al Qaeda is hoping for our defeat there. Support our troops !
07-03-16 00:31:07
HNK222 ::: Favorites
Instead of blindly following the US media, you need to realize - BUSH LOST THE WAR! And now a civil war has taken hold. America has became an irrelevant bit player whose troops are dying in VAIN! Your childish idea to "win" would indicate that we're fighting "an enemy" - we're not! We're taking sides in a civil war where we have no business being! The 'Iraq' concept the Bush regime is propping up is a joke. Iraq doesn't want or need the "great white man"!
07-03-16 11:03:43
bcubed99 ::: Favorites
Sir i am one of those troops(with a bachelors degree may i add so you cant claim in am in the lower 10% and I was not forced to join)and people like u are with Al Qaeda. We r fighting the ones who destroyed towers...and you probably wont admit it. people like you are the first to cry when US is attacked. I agree that the US should pull out and let the muslims in Iraq kill each othe. US can move back in and care for the people who value life. Allah must be running out of virgins by now.
07-03-16 21:54:46
bcubed99 ::: Favorites
If you had half a brain you would realize that the US media has already declared the war lost. They cant get enough of our national security secrets and tell the enemy. Had this happened in the 1940s we'd be speaking German. With your attitude you must be of French descent...surrender at the soonest possible moment.
07-03-16 21:57:16
atlbev ::: Favorites
So since the military estimates that al Qaeda only makes up 5% is now a reason to leave. Where's that reasoning? We have to fight al Qaeda wherever they are. They are now in Iraq and Afghanistan. They will use an Iraq victory to turn out even more terrorists. I never supported the Bush Administration; but definitely support winning in Iraq. You folks are dedicated to the defeat of the United States. Here's a novel idea....Support our troops and the United States.
07-03-16 00:30:13
hfjai ::: Favorites
The State Dept says al Qaeda is located in at least 60 different nations. You think we should invade them all? You think we have a big enough military to handle it? When we invaded Iraq, we lost control in Afghanistan with the job there unfinished. Now we're losing in both places. But that's not what this video is about, and Clark is not for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. This is about how stupid it would be to start another war in Iran.
07-03-17 11:41:04
tginmn ::: Favorites
During my war they claimed that all of SEA would fall to communism if we didn't stay in Vietnam. Never happened. Today the Pentagon said it was a civil war so what our Military is charge to decide which side to support. No one has won an occupation in the history of Man. So tell me how we will win when NO one has ever done it. Bush is wasting the lives and limbs of our poor soldiers for what? Democracy in the middle east? Tell how many countries in the middle east are a democracy.
07-03-15 23:53:53

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