Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Quest To New York 777

Duration: 10:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-04 05:24:41
User: Paperlilies
:::: Favorites

loooong ass blog! about all the stuff I've been doing lately. Man I am tarrrd! to buy the magazine, go to do it now!! :D

piperwichmon ::: Favorites
you need to get an american SIM card for your phone and then change the band frequency on your phone for it to work in america.
07-07-23 13:41:25
BeautifulBlog ::: Favorites
OMG.. i just noticed you look like the main character out of the Scary movies O_o
07-07-24 09:44:32
sonamopress ::: Favorites
you are a such a slow Talker..are you a slow thinker?
07-07-27 20:04:17
n0wher3 ::: Favorites
lol no, thank god! I've never heard that phrase before. XDDD
07-07-29 22:08:52
xxoxia ::: Favorites
Two things: 1. Your phone should work fine over here, I think it will just switch over to the American version of your network, and 2. What's the "tube" system?? Sorry, I watched your video of British accents, and started getting sucked into watching more and just finished this one. All 9:33 of it hahahaha... I'm a sucker for the accent.
07-08-07 20:17:42
TheAmazingSealo ::: Favorites
tube system.... underground train thing.... subways i think they're called over that way.?
07-08-09 04:24:41
xxoxia ::: Favorites
07-08-09 05:14:54
ilumintia ::: Favorites
your voice sounds ok, you dont look like crap, and unlike what you see on english news terrorist attacks dont happen in America every day and not every plane comeing to America is a giant flying bomb. But from what youve heard about America you prob think im just a fat rich stuck up person who only cares about myself, haha. Have a good stay in America and keep your eyes pealed for terrists while your here, who knows maybe you can get a pictor of one and send it to your family. :)
07-08-11 22:10:52
pasquesi ::: Favorites
07-08-21 15:48:32
rcookman ::: Favorites
She looks a little like meg from The White Stripes. Very sweet very cute and all English how proud I am. Nice but a little long winded.
07-08-21 16:12:41

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