Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Second Burial

Duration: 03:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 10:40:26
User: NationalGeographic
:::: Favorites

Burying a loved one is a sad affair in most places, but burying them twice is a cause for happiness in Taiwan...find out why.

ACSutton ::: Favorites
Mr. Who?????
07-07-24 01:56:08
bkajanetty ::: Favorites
its cool to me
07-07-24 08:21:21
raven1234 ::: Favorites
WHat the dead care is not important. The idea is that this ritual strengthen the bond of the family and that is why it still exist.
07-07-26 02:47:00
bigbirdfoxy ::: Favorites
That is someones tradition =S They Might say that it's "Retarded" for us to only bury our loved ones only once.
07-07-31 15:18:38
omarbhuyian10 ::: Favorites
interesting, sad and spooky....
07-08-02 13:12:28
omarbhuyian10 ::: Favorites
wait till i tell this to Doctor who..
07-08-02 13:15:01
TriviumFreak ::: Favorites
They seem a bit too jolly...
07-08-03 03:25:13
AZNBoiBubbles ::: Favorites
man thats messed if they did that to me i'd be pissed
07-08-06 18:29:39
grouchieINaction ::: Favorites
i thought mr who is the president
07-08-07 00:38:45
kiwi282005 ::: Favorites
the wongs and the whos!
07-08-18 13:26:10

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