Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-18 02:38:38
User: aterrorist
:::: Favorites


jcamp818 ::: Favorites
Whatever biotch. I am agnostic but have been a fan of B.R. for decades. Everybody knows Greg is hardcore atheist. He preaches it from the lecture halls of UCLA. He is publicly preturbed that many scientists think evolution and "God" can co-exist. Do some research on the truth and not what makes you feel good.
07-09-04 00:14:13
jadedamericanteen ::: Favorites
my favorite part is Dr Graffin's confidence walk in 1:23 lol
07-09-03 23:46:55
kastet14 ::: Favorites
u think the amount of they clips means theyr pop-level?
07-09-03 05:54:46
thastjimmy ::: Favorites
Cont.. If you were going to sue a fast food company for whatever reason you wouldn't go after BK or KFC, you would go after Mcdonalds (bad metaphor, but you get the picture). The athiests who blindly say that religion is the problem are just as bad as the other. Hate only propegates more hate. If we didn't have religion there would be something else that would cause so much hate and violence.
07-09-02 21:22:48
thastjimmy ::: Favorites
Cont... People are the problem. It doesn't matter if it's religion, a good idea or anything. Chances are people are going to corrupt it. Hate is in our nature. Wanting to fit in is in our nature. Wanting everything to be the same is in our nature. BR doesn't pick on christianity. If Judaism was the biggest religion then they would sing about that.
07-09-02 21:22:30
thastjimmy ::: Favorites
A lot of people miss the point of Bad Religion. Yes they speak out on religion. It is more of a metaphor though. Being religious is fine. I can't stand the athiests who bash on religious people for their beliefs and I can't stand religious people who bash on athiests beliefs. BR's core is individuality. Religion hinders that for most people. Religion is not really the problem.
07-09-02 21:16:21
magikmgaikmgik ::: Favorites
POP PUNK wasnt invented til like 96's and its poser shit this isnt.since 80's ur on some good crack i wish i had
07-09-02 20:54:01
chromium77 ::: Favorites
Im not gay. But I would like to pour sausage gravy all over Greg's hairy body and lick it off of him slowly. WITH tabasco to boot. mmmmmmm
07-09-02 17:05:45
IlviperlI ::: Favorites
Son los mejores Clasicazo!!
07-09-02 06:47:52
Kinos12 ::: Favorites
actually, the idea behind the majority of this type of music is to drive at some deeper point and make people think. the problem here, is that these people aren't hearing everything thats being said. Read the earlier posts too see my point
07-09-02 06:26:34

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