Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Halo: Marine Tales

Duration: 07:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-16 23:43:05
:::: Favorites

People are saying I stole this, when I didn't. If you go to the newgrounds page of HMT, you'll see my name under "AUTHOR". Newgrounds Version http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/315996 www.cameraboi.com http://myspace.com/camera_boi

mario54671 ::: Favorites
what are u SMOKING?
07-09-02 01:34:36
mario54671 ::: Favorites
ur stupid, he DID make this retard.
07-09-02 01:33:04
BoyofmanyNames ::: Favorites
"Now i'm not gonna lie to you, some of you won't make it back, but for those of you who do, make sure emo boy doesn't"
07-08-29 09:15:02
LuccaxD ::: Favorites
hahahaha LOL !
07-08-28 20:26:03
snigelmamma ::: Favorites
Awsome movie but whats the song called when mastercheif is running a car in the "the maw" parody part? (and guys i agree to Cameraboi unless you can come up with some really hard evidence i will think that dead4 and cameraboi made this Viedeo,
07-08-28 02:12:52
Armenian92 ::: Favorites
^^ very funny lol 5/5 man
07-08-25 04:27:37
Shadowhog ::: Favorites
Darth Vader- "Wobbey. Wobbey. Woooobbbeeeyy. Wobbey wobbey wobbey." Marine 1- "Uhhhhh.... what's a Wobbey?" Marine 2- "Ssshhhhhhhhhhhhh......... you'll piss it off...." Darth Vader- "WOBBEY!
07-08-25 00:27:05
smexykakashi158 ::: Favorites
at 44 seconds read the god damn thing his name is in the video
07-08-24 13:11:10
Sukichi ::: Favorites
Sorry, havn't checked up on this video in a while. Not sure. :B Not going to bother to continue the argument, but for those who are wondering, the song at the end is called You Don't Know by Reel Big Fish.
07-08-24 10:35:55
adster700 ::: Favorites
i saw it on newgrounds.Their names are on the credits...GO THERE!!! Btw dude its as funny as hell....wobby wob by wobby wobby wobby Whats a wobby? SHH you'll piss it off And Emo boy AND drunk person THEY ROCK!
07-08-24 10:02:49

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