Sunday, September 2, 2007

Black People's Hair.

Duration: 08:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-10 19:26:27
User: saxygurl8
:::: Favorites

how do we as blacks define beauty?

saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 19:42:03
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
LOL. thanks
07-08-29 19:41:40
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 19:40:58
saxygurl8 ::: Favorites
The only reason why I am not as stressed as most of us is because I am aware when I am being attacked. I know that movies are purposely made to bellitle me. I know that the media does not simply represent reality but creates its own reality by editing the way things are and painting a distorted picture. And I never said I was "special" the way you have typo as well. which clearly shows we all make mistakes, even YOU
07-08-29 19:39:17
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
What is with you people? How is taking pride in the beatiful hair God gave black people, so obviously scorned by others as well as members of the same race thinking highly of ones self? What a waste of time you spent commenting, lame insult after lame insult. You feel better now? Also, JUST because YOU say someone "isn't special" doesn't make it true. You aren't the GRAND HIGH AUTHORITY on specialness.
07-08-29 19:28:13
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
Perhaps this is something you may never be able to relate to..Even if someone tried to explain it to someone who is obviously NOT black, it would be very difficult for you to understand. One of the main problems with race relations and communication.
07-08-29 19:27:25
tylervan ::: Favorites
"the history books they write baout us is only to make us feel insecure." How do you figure that? I think you should of paid more attention at least in english class because you can't even spell a 5 letter word correctly. Why do history books make you feel "insecure" ? Do you honestly thin history books all over America were made to make black people feel insecure? You are an idiot. Stop thinking highly of yourself in the first place. You're not that special.
07-08-29 17:39:45
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
But those of us who know how to take care of ourselves are absolutely STUNNING, our eyes are bighter our confidence is higher, there is no shame in being Black because black is beautiful. For some people in this world, There worst nighttmare is to see a gorgeous, positive healthy and happy black woman who is full of confidence and intelligence, because there is nothing they can say or do to bring us down.
07-08-29 17:06:20
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
All women are so beutiful but black women to me are like diamonds in the rough. We are so freaking beautiful...only thing is our self image is so low because we were never taught to be comfortable in our own skin. So many gorgeous black women fall prey to depression, anger, becoming overweight or obese, malnutrition(not eating healthy life giving foods). Misinformation about ourselves and our bodies that we dont look as good as we could. So we end up look tired, stressed and depleted.....
07-08-29 16:59:50
o0lenabear0o ::: Favorites
I know from personal experience that unkempt natural hair can be a nightmare to deal with. When its too dry and your using the wrong products it makes things unmanageable, but the moment I learned what my hair needed It was like night and day. I had a completely different hair. Now its healthy,soft and elastic. I LOVE my hair! It makes me view myself differently as well
07-08-29 16:45:25

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