Sunday, September 2, 2007

Final Fantasy-Make You

Duration: 04:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-26 01:08:57
User: Jenny2pa
:::: Favorites

Please enjoy this video that took me four hours to make. Also, don't forget to rate and leave a comment. Song:Make You Artist:Hayami Kishimoto

Jenny2pa ::: Favorites
Someone, please comment. I worked hard on this. It's not perfect, but a good video. I love Final Fantasy!^^
07-03-14 16:38:23
DavidDang234 ::: Favorites
Hey i like your transitions but if i ever learn to do this i think i'd do the same
07-04-03 22:23:11
Jenny2pa ::: Favorites
Thanks! It took me a long time and with a lot of efforts to make this video.
07-04-04 12:27:03
Jamilah94 ::: Favorites
wow!!!! u sure do really a final fantasy fans!!!!! i love final fantasy too. u sure work hard on the video. anyway, keep the good work ok. no one is as good as u are jenny. trust me yo. not even me. hehe =3. still, remember me hu???
07-04-22 02:54:01
Jenny2pa ::: Favorites
It did took me a long time to do it. Thanks for commenting.
07-04-22 12:00:25
Jamilah94 ::: Favorites
u welcome jenny!!!
07-04-22 20:31:08
azngrl67 ::: Favorites
i love it where did u get the song
07-06-19 17:25:29
hellojane ::: Favorites
This is a japanese song?! It's the theme song for Detective Academy Q!
07-08-07 03:28:04

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