Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chris Benoit Murderer

Duration: 03:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 02:59:58
User: rico305305
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my thoughts on CB and this tragedy

ElectricShark ::: Favorites
Thank you! I agree wholeheartedly and I'm sick of hearing wrestling fans say "Oh his son was handicapped! He couldn't handle it!" (Yes, one dumb ass fan said that! I couldn't believe that shit!)
07-08-29 14:24:39
rico305305 ::: Favorites
haha you are a funny piece of WWE hardcore gansta wanna be shit.........a spit on derogatory diease filth ridden maggots like you! HAHA
07-08-29 05:12:51
rico305305 ::: Favorites
i hate to break it to you but maybe the brits aka the english invented english! woah what i crazy thought and idea........just when we all thought americans had invented everything since the beginnning of time .......those bloody shakespearan/welsh/biscuit eating freaks had to ruin it all and invent something systematically universal which the americans had no part of what a concept!
07-08-29 04:55:15
rico305305 ::: Favorites
ummm yah i speak english flash buddie.........just because you speak english, does not mean you must be assumed american by default.......
07-08-29 04:52:49
saaaaaas ::: Favorites
are u thick or somthing how did the wwe know if he killed his family wheter or not he did or dint kill his family the police jump to assumption way to quickly if someone died i bet ya u woulnt finf killer tht quick or jusrt say it was him one last thing fuk u
07-08-19 14:08:49
benoit6707 ::: Favorites
rico305305 u are sick u need to let the guy rip stop disrespecting a dead man
07-07-30 02:55:08
rx7187 ::: Favorites
this dude is right...benoit will be burning in hell for this
07-07-22 10:53:09
dxrules1012 ::: Favorites
you are one thing a dick
07-07-19 19:40:15
aussiebennie ::: Favorites
its true...and fucking yanky doodles being predgides(however thats spelled lol)just remember whos the fattest country in the world
07-07-17 10:13:21
rico305305 ::: Favorites
how am i fat you cocksmoker cut and in great shape.......are you cum drunk you dumb yank!
07-07-14 00:41:58

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