Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Command & Conquer Red Alert soviet 8

Duration: 03:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-28 09:30:41
User: stormypetrel
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mission brief 8

EnterpriseKnight ::: Favorites
Censorship? bah
07-09-01 15:36:34
carpet9999999999 ::: Favorites
On the playstation version of red alert this briefing is not on it, its a bit strange.
07-08-14 04:08:19
Combatally12 ::: Favorites
As I said before, Kukov took part int he conspiracy against Stalin. I mentioned it to you before in my previous e-mail. Please see comment I wrote in here.
07-07-16 22:28:07
mobiushero1 ::: Favorites
Did you find your red Alert 2 yet? Once you do we can tag team battle online with other opponents.
07-07-08 20:24:11
mobiushero1 ::: Favorites
Kukov also took part in the conspiracy with Gradenko and was killed thanks to his blunder.
07-07-03 23:16:48
mobiushero1 ::: Favorites
My point exactly. Nadia didn't want to reveal the iron curtain device because of the nerve gas stockpiles. Neither Stalin nor gradenko were informed of the iron curtain project and he was Josef's advisor. He signed the death warrants of soviet generals and because of his incomptence because of the true powers of the iron curtain and the chronosphere. Because of his failures, he is killed in mission 11.
07-07-03 23:14:00
j03mcb0bp4n75 ::: Favorites
too bad for Stalin Gradenko couldnt have died earlier, right? how come Kukov doesnt need to know about the Iron Curtain? isnt he higher ranking than Gradenko?
07-07-03 15:59:20
j03mcb0bp4n75 ::: Favorites
ummm, thank you. didnt really need it, but thanks. once i find Red Alert 2 im gonna try playing it.
07-07-03 15:56:20
mobiushero1 ::: Favorites
Ican give you my cd key for red alert two: it is 024649-958523826599-3154.
07-07-02 23:46:27
NathanF11989 ::: Favorites
If the player and Kukov are late for the briefing, Stalin and Nadia are even more late. Kukov is already seated and prepared by the time those two lovebirds enter. No wonder Stalin seems a bit harrassed. He must of thought: "Oh nyat, even my lackeys are more on time than I am."
07-07-02 17:28:31

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