Monday, September 10, 2007


Duration: 08:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-03 04:29:01
User: tullycast
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CavemanSynthesizer ::: Favorites
or worse....
07-08-11 13:39:42
subcin ::: Favorites
David Shuster can eat Tucker's feces and smoke Buchanan's cock, and hopefully the wormy little pansy will choke on both of them.
07-08-06 19:35:19
chervilant ::: Favorites
Hooo-argh!! All you Faux sycophants and Tucker fans just keep on telling yourself this was all just a big bipartisan fishing expedition, as our rights continue to get decimated by this criminal administration. You will get exactly what you deserve.
07-07-28 09:26:33
dantej32 ::: Favorites
Go find out who Rich's attorney was. You'll be surprised. Why do you neo cons ALWAYS talk about clinton. A man that has not been in office 7 years. And talk about whiny, (in a whining tone)" Well Clinton did it" That only means that....... BUSH IS AS BAD AS CLINTON!!!
07-07-25 09:22:35
bolingomoose ::: Favorites
Dr. Ron Paul champion of the constitution! vote Dr. Paul For the value of the conservitive principles!
07-07-12 17:03:19
ShotgunDMB ::: Favorites
Who gives a shit about Scooter Libby? If you're losing sleep over this you need a life.
07-07-12 15:08:47
morris0n2 ::: Favorites
15 of plame's fellow intelligance operatives died as a result of her being identified as an agent. they were investigating iraq and jfk jr's murder
07-07-08 11:02:12
asknotaxe ::: Favorites
Plame was an analyst, not an operative. MSNBC continues its ratings death spiral with more whiny, shrill, left wing drivelly commentary. Liberals have short memories: Let us not forget the 211 pardons Clinton granted in the last 9 weeks of his administration, and the 141 he granted on the final DAY including Marc Rich and Susan McDougal, felons both.
07-07-08 10:11:09
coldice76 ::: Favorites
Tucker has lost his mind. He thinks the prosecutor is the problem for prosecuting a crime? Wtf? Update: Libby's fine was just paid two days ago.
07-07-08 09:35:47
KIDiotequeA ::: Favorites
He's got millions of dollars in legal fee's that are being taken care of by a neocon fund. Cheney has got billions of dollars in Haliburton stock that matures when? 2009...Im sure Libby will be fine.
07-07-05 10:03:06

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