Monday, September 10, 2007

John Gibson Reacts to Being Named Worst Person Again!

Duration: 03:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 21:37:16
User: johnnydollar01
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On his radio show today, John Gibson and Angry Rich had instant reaction to being named "worst person" by Keith Olbermann.

mcv47 ::: Favorites
Gotta luv John Gibson! Thanks johnniedollar
07-09-09 19:33:21
nfoster6080 ::: Favorites
John Gibson is just like Bill O'Reilly minus the Ivy League education.
07-09-06 20:56:41
wabdinur ::: Favorites
bad come backs.
07-08-30 01:35:10
EvilDWO ::: Favorites
Amazing. Opie & Anthony, Stern, and several others are chased off regular radio for being "offensive" when this dickwad gets on and says something like this. Where's the public outcry? Oh wait...I forgot. The same people who were responsible for purging radio of anything remotely humorous are the same people who listen to this. I live in NY and I'm offended by his comments. Where's MY lawyer?
07-08-24 17:11:22
AnimeAndHaloDOMix ::: Favorites
Olbermann is a true patriot, and if that piece of shit Gibby thinks more US citizens need to die, why doesn't he and his family get first in line to be killed in the next attack?
07-08-22 23:43:01
JixMa ::: Favorites
Hear, hear, johnottr! You said a mouthful there! Besides, what the fuck does Gibby ever cover personally? Isn't THAT waste of oxygen, always in his air-conditioned studio AS WELL?!!! He's such a fucking hypocrite and LOSER! I so fucking hate Gibby! I never watch Gibby, by the way. I just hear about his misdeeds and the shitty things he says when Keith Olbermann or others mention it and point it out. I never watch Faux News. PERIOD! Glad Keith does watch Fixed News and lets us know about it.
07-08-22 17:25:44
JixMa ::: Favorites
John Gibson and that idiot sidekick - TWO FUCKING LOSERS of the First Order! Keith Olbermann you are my hero!
07-08-22 17:12:23
johnottr ::: Favorites
Hey John Gibby, I don't care if Olberman has never covered a story or not. For you to suggest that 11 more of my fellow firefighters, from my firehouse, need to die to get more "unity" in this country, is dispicable. You are a pig, sir!
07-08-20 17:20:01
greenornagatang ::: Favorites
Fox reporting is sleaze. Although Olbermann is over the top at times at least he values humanity and Habeus Corpus. The neo-con. journalism out of Fox deminishes sensibilty by its very defense of the worst western democracy in recent history. Clearly this news agency is the "bottom" when it comes to its relationship with Republican partisan politics...way to be the "bitch" ya dingleberrys.
07-08-20 17:08:59
bigearl6969 ::: Favorites
There is no devil but fox news is the worst thing on the earth and john gibson should be fired because he is a worthless c*nt who doesn't deserve to live.
07-08-19 20:27:19

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