Thursday, September 20, 2007

Drink to me only with thine eyes

Duration: 02:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-19 15:01:34
User: artofvoice
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Drink to me only with thine eyes, adaptation of a Ben Johnson poem "To Celia"

moondogg55 ::: Favorites
07-07-08 18:37:05
ds29gurl ::: Favorites
Thank you so much i forgot to practice this song for voice lessons today. you have an awesome voice. ty ty ty ty ty ty
07-07-05 11:21:36
artofvoice ::: Favorites
haha, thanks! Go practice!
07-07-05 18:26:52
TheJestersDance ::: Favorites
You have a beautiful voice!!!
07-05-12 10:04:35
artofvoice ::: Favorites
07-05-12 10:17:00
DrShades ::: Favorites
Damn were singing this in my voice class, I cant seem to get enough air to finish through each line without needing to gasp for air. You seem to be not having trouble with breathing at all.
07-02-09 17:29:58
artofvoice ::: Favorites
oh thanks. notice that i'm standing, i couldn't sing that sitting! I've been classically trained but some prtty awesome people. one thing that helps breath support(which i'm sure you have heard before) breath low into the torso and expand the ribcage(but leave your shoulders down)and use the muscles behind your ribs to push out and maintain expansion instead of collapsing
07-03-07 20:01:32
dalmatino16 ::: Favorites
Great song. And great performance.
07-02-04 16:01:12
artofvoice ::: Favorites
07-02-04 21:16:06

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