Thursday, September 20, 2007

What was your first date?

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 16:23:09
User: artofvoice
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just curious. let me know by sending a video response or comment

moondogg55 ::: Favorites
My first date...hum..High school football game, followed by a very romantic dinner at pizza hut-ha. I remember opening her door, playing my coolest music in car stereo, and trying so hard not to let her know I was nervous. Oh well, I did something right, we dated for two years and remained dear friends until June 3rd this year, when she passed.
07-07-08 20:58:32
Daz223Hutch ::: Favorites
You've failed baby, only 100 views and no video responses?
07-04-25 09:48:21
artofvoice ::: Favorites
oh well...not a big deal
07-04-25 09:49:50
draakje15 ::: Favorites
Too long ago, can you be my second?
07-04-21 07:22:07
foxytom ::: Favorites
summer of 02 park bench bottle of cider with the local bike (ahem)
07-04-20 19:32:58
sherwind2009 ::: Favorites
What was my first date like? Didn't happen yet, Any way... Why is your WebCam like that, Is it like 100 years old or some thing? You need a new one, or i don't know... what are you doing just recording strait from your WebCam to YouTube?
07-04-19 15:46:19
artofvoice ::: Favorites
it's a crappy cam that i got for like..20bucks,ok? I'm not going to spend 50 or 100 on a webcam...that's gay.The pic really isn't that bad, it was worse before i figured out the focus
07-04-20 09:14:20

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