Wednesday, September 5, 2007

HP Summit: The rumours on the night before

Duration: 02:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-08 07:19:30
User: shinymedia
:::: Favorites

On the eve of the opening of the HP 'Making Connections' summit, I take a look at what the rumour mongers are predicting they will unveil.

1359399 ::: Favorites
A HANDLE?!?!? Wow....
07-05-10 03:43:10
data180 ::: Favorites
hahha looking hot suzie
07-05-09 09:58:52
userxx ::: Favorites
Lookin good :)
07-05-08 13:03:04
mattGamer ::: Favorites
Exciting. I would love to stay in a fancy hotel room like that for an HP summit. I will be looking for new updates! :D
07-05-08 10:34:45
fLUx1337 ::: Favorites
07-05-08 09:46:55

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