Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shiny at 3GSM: Blackberry 8800

Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 04:19:29
User: shinymedia
:::: Favorites

First up: I was knackered when I shot this. Second up, this is the new Blackberry 8800, with added GPS goodness.

missietemptingbabemj ::: Favorites
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07-09-04 04:46:00
KnightMD ::: Favorites
Nokia E65 has amazing 3G and a fully capable Internet Browser. I can't believe this Balckberry monster device has no 3G. Yet it made it to top 100 Products of 2007.
07-09-01 20:03:32
KnightMD ::: Favorites
No 3G??????? NO 3G??????? So I have a palm-sized monster device with a full keyboard, and I can't even browse the internet anytime anywhere? Maybe they removed the camera for professional reasons as some stated. But no 3G??? Absolutely loving my Nokia e65 which has everything INCLUDING GPS card support which I won't use outside my card. Oh and's it's 1/4 the size of this monster blackberry, with all the functions and free applications. No 3G....
07-09-01 19:59:57
Dieselarmani ::: Favorites
07-06-28 13:55:56
nuopus ::: Favorites
What the hell are you talking about? I have only paid my $39 a month for full internet and enterprise email. Absolutely NO data charges except for my monthly. If your a retard and get a cheap MB limited internet because you think you can't afford unlimited, you will get stuck with the data charges. Professionals are smarter than you apparently.
07-06-17 21:49:27
maniaxwife ::: Favorites
lol thanks
07-06-17 21:23:31
nuopus ::: Favorites
Good. Blackberry should always have high end models WITHOUT a camera. When I go to and do a contract job, LOTS of places now a days make you leave your phone in the lobby if there is a camera on it. RIM will never put a camera on ALL of their phones because it would ruin their standing with professionals. No camera? What a relief!
07-06-17 20:59:45
jjuneau ::: Favorites
Yeah, GPS is great... for the cellular companies.. When you get your end of month bill, chances are you'll get raped by all the data charges accumulated with that gps function!
07-04-14 21:11:17
TRESBELA ::: Favorites
the 8700 doesn't have a camera either. What are you talkin bout. The 8800 is awesome. U had a blackjack, the 8700, and nokia and finally was happy with it
07-04-08 12:47:13
maniaxwife ::: Favorites
oh ok. hmm i think im better off getting a 8700g . thanks though
07-03-19 21:07:22

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