Saturday, September 15, 2007

Portsmouth, N.H. Town Hall (2 of 2)

Duration: 09:48 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 10:52:36
User: johnedwards
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John Edwards visits Portsmouth, New Hampshire for a town hall meeting.

CarsonWeber ::: Favorites
bottom line: John Edwards supports infanticide. I'm not talking about abortion.. I'm talking about a baby delivered breech all the way until just the head is yet to come out - then the abortionist crushes the baby's skull to complete delivery. Edwards mourned the partial-birth abortion ban & the Supreme Court's upholding of it.
07-04-24 09:12:31
medley007 ::: Favorites
When Will You Stand?
07-03-27 00:41:01
astrogirlsirius ::: Favorites
Inspiring. I hope you're our next President, John. I really do.
07-01-10 14:39:41
RexRegis ::: Favorites
You need a National Health Service to provide necesary healthcare for everyone and a fair minimum wage. Take a look at your little cousins over the pond here in England to see how its done ;-) Our minimum wage for over 21's converts to about 10 USD her hour.
07-01-07 20:49:11
billiepreston ::: Favorites
"we can't solve these problems by ourselves...but what we can do is lead others to the cause. And we have to demonstrate to the world that we are willing to do things because they're in the best interest of humanity" I don't recall hearing words like this from a presidential candidate in my lifetime... certainly not since JFK. If this guy is for real, he may be able to bring about real change. whew... bp
07-01-06 20:31:14
ckobain ::: Favorites
John Edwards '08.
07-01-02 23:16:49

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