Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rudy At Sean Hannity's Freedom Concert

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-12 16:23:05
User: RudyGiulianiHQ
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Rudy Giuliani at Sean Hannity's Freedom Concert in Cincinnati, August 9.

SchierForce ::: Favorites
Rudy get Newt to be you Vice President PLZ
07-08-15 05:38:34
SchierForce ::: Favorites
Rudy if I was a religous man I would be praying to GOD you win the Presidency. Will spread the word, fight the good fight, good luck my friend.
07-08-15 05:37:48
Krun123 ::: Favorites
07-08-14 03:47:25
LILVOKA ::: Favorites
Hot and Hazy Days of The Sean Hannity Freedom Concert! Safe travels Rudy and good luck on your quest to the White House!
07-08-13 20:44:36
srdale17 ::: Favorites
Rudy's the only man who can (and will) beat Hillary.
07-08-13 15:58:26
norges1995 ::: Favorites
giuliani for president !!!
07-08-13 03:57:09
ScottFerrante ::: Favorites
go rudy
07-08-13 01:52:22
deanjenkins ::: Favorites
He may not have worked the crowd as well as he could have but it was a great idea to go to that concert. He has found a friend in Hanity.
07-08-12 21:30:51

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