Sunday, September 23, 2007

Snow..Video .Comment on Brian's "Snow"

Duration: 00:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-12 10:10:22
User: sprichbeeke
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Unusual amount of snow for Vancouver January 2007


sprichbeeke ::: Favorites
Our snow has long since gone...and we are back to more normal Vancouver winter...wet and mild...with theoccasional lovely sunny spring day...
07-02-13 17:05:56
cvmostert ::: Favorites
Wow, it is beautiful there in Vancouver... Back in Switzerland I am still waiting for the Big snow.. it comes and goes... but who knows, maybe we will be freezing soon!
07-02-13 02:56:38
sprichbeeke ::: Favorites
Love to have you...but it was miserably cold, wet and windy...It is infinitely more pleasent in the summer...
07-02-13 00:26:32
sprichbeeke ::: Favorites are soooo good for my ego!
07-02-13 00:24:00
concretedrive ::: Favorites
Like Wow!!!
07-02-13 00:18:39
BradThunder ::: Favorites
I've never wanted to be on a balcony so much in all my life! And those trees...all that picture needed was "Merry Christmas" and you'd be set!
07-02-12 20:56:12
BradThunder ::: Favorites
I'll second that!
07-02-12 20:53:55
sprichbeeke ::: Favorites
"bless" you!
07-02-12 18:12:18
brianrangeley ::: Favorites
you included!
07-02-12 12:08:54
sprichbeeke ::: Favorites
Yes we you noticed...After all, Vancouver is famous for it's beauty
07-02-12 11:16:21

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