Sunday, September 23, 2007

Whitney Houston ft. Mary J. Blige - Ain't No Way

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-02 02:16:38
User: Gioblu
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Two very special ladies pay tribute to the Queen of Soul, Ms. Aretha Franklin, & they tear it up! For the love of God, PLEASE DON'T leave comments with profanity, racial, or sexual slurs, or any type of derogatory remarks about the PERFORMERS in the video, AND the other PEOPLE who leave their comments. Thank you VERY much, God bless!


whitneyh17 ::: Favorites
I don t ur even broke that is being rich for ur must be real poor. and question how can afford to have a computer? lol
07-09-23 03:33:13
haha2120 ::: Favorites
u bloody dog! we are not having any english lesson here! me weird? U ARE MORE WEIRD! damn bitch! look at how many ppl hates u here! GET A LIFE! STOP being an irritant!
07-09-23 02:56:21
CDiorGirl07 ::: Favorites
SHITney is broke, she selling her dior on ebay for crack rocks.
07-09-23 02:55:28
CDiorGirl07 ::: Favorites
Yes I do faggot.
07-09-23 02:55:03
CDiorGirl07 ::: Favorites
SHITney is a ugly brown tooth having baldheaded old crackhead, she will NEVER EVER look better than me or anyone in my family, she is bones and look like she got AIDS!
07-09-23 02:54:53
CDiorGirl07 ::: Favorites
You cant even type english correctly you weird bitch.
07-09-23 02:54:01
haha2120 ::: Favorites
you bloody racist bitch! U are disgracing MUSIC! U LOOK more like an ALIEN to US! why not u just go ahead and bang ur head on the wall, crush ur god-damn-it face! STOP DISGRACING MJB and WHITNEY!
07-09-23 02:11:33
whitneyh17 ::: Favorites
Hey cdior i know the only thing u can do is to dream about having dior in ur closet..Its always danm bitch ugly asses who can say things about whitney the way u do..One thing i know whitney is more beautyfull then u and ur mama combine get a life ugly betty
07-09-22 22:23:40
Rendevouz07 ::: Favorites
In other words, you have no proof.
07-09-22 22:18:08
truegomez ::: Favorites
Listen up, DIORGIRL will never happen, because you are probably some ugly bitch sitting behind her computer with nothing to do but comment on YouTube. Whitney can buy more Dior than you ever can, you probably would be buying them at the one dollar shop when they are WAY out of fashion. And with the attitude you have, you probably won't achieve a damn thing in your life. At least Whitney is trying to do something with her life again, she ditched Bobby and is moving on, so why can't you?
07-09-22 20:35:38

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