Monday, October 1, 2007

Andrea Mitchell heartbroken by McCain Campaign Breakdown

Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-10 20:10:02
User: crooksandliars
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John Amato says: "Andrea Mitchell looks so sad as she describes John McCain's campaign woes after the resignation of campaign manager Terry Nelson and chief strategist John Weaver..." (


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07-08-03 18:49:13
wntoply6 ::: Favorites
quoting you hughster: "wntoply6, He is history because he started acting like a liberal." some liberals supported immigrant amnesty as did some concervatives. terrorist rights, who supports that other than due process. mccain starting losing by kissing falwells ass and supporting the war for bush.
07-07-13 09:22:12
hughster41 ::: Favorites
You didn't read one word i said. The right base does not care if he has something to do with falwell or that he supports the war. We care that he supports illegal immigrant amnesty and terrorist rights! Your such a fucking shit head, that what i get for trying to talk civil with a liberal!!!
07-07-12 22:25:35
yt5454 ::: Favorites
McCain, a liberal! That's a good one. Do we need any more evidence that conservatives are totally insane?
07-07-12 20:07:02
sinthason ::: Favorites
i geuss him saying bomb bomb bomb iran fucked himself over...
07-07-12 16:10:46
utubesucks2003 ::: Favorites
07-07-12 13:45:54
wntoply6 ::: Favorites
no sane liberal i know hugster has anything to do with falwell, mccain does, no sane liberal i know supports this war, mccain does. you are so off hughster, to say more only gets you deeper in shit.
07-07-12 08:27:41
softearth ::: Favorites
Horrible video and sound quality! Get a better encoder please.
07-07-12 02:30:56
patsagainstrats ::: Favorites
McCain more than held his own in the debates. It's that stupid immigration bill that really sunk his ship. Period.
07-07-12 00:24:01

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