Monday, October 1, 2007

RevolutionofCG is a cheater

Duration: 04:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 11:42:19
User: bcj999
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Here's his profile: Links to fake subscribers: Screen shots:


Resurrectlonofcg ::: Favorites
I am indeed a cheater and a total and utter loser, check out my channel if you want to see me shout like an idiot.
07-09-23 22:03:53
MagusStryfeZ ::: Favorites
lol, NegrodamusX I am better than you in every way - You are a moron who follows your racist master Bantrum who refers to blacks as overdramatic niggers. You are a little bitch who is a sell out to his people - I think you got a bit 2 much shrapnel stuck in your head you fucking loon lol
07-09-22 05:03:25
RevoIutionOfGC ::: Favorites
:D he is a fagot, please go to his videos and vote them all down.
07-09-19 18:18:43
QuartuvLarry ::: Favorites
Oh, holy shit! I thought you were RevolutionOfTFG! Well, what the hell am I defending you from yourself for?
07-09-19 14:01:30
QuartuvLarry ::: Favorites
Dude...yes, we believe in free speech, but there's also self determination & individualism...and intellectual property. I know, I know, the "intellectual" part is laughable to you, but you know what I mean, tight? His channel belongs to him, and he manages it at his own prerogative, as is his right.
07-09-19 13:57:55
RevoIutionOfGC ::: Favorites
RevolutionOfCG stifles opposing view points by A) Calling them mentally deranged and in need of medication (yes he is 100% serious, see "Bush Derangement Syndrome") or B) Blocking all users who he disagrees with, regardless if they are completely civil or not. If you don't like this go to all of his videos and click 1 star, and comment on them telling him this is NOT how America works. AMERICANS BELIEVE IN FREE SPEECH!
07-09-15 00:06:18
NationalConservatism ::: Favorites
and use your own account instead of a clone account. loser, you will always be a loser so nevermind.. you're hopeless
07-09-10 16:24:57
NationalConservatism ::: Favorites
my account was given 16 DMCAs by gimmeabreakman and supexcellency. I wasnt kicked off youtube moron
07-09-10 16:23:56
NationalConservatism ::: Favorites
If I had a thousand socks, Id flag some videos 1000 times and have them removed. Id also give myself 500 5-stars etc. Pls dont be an idiot like CG. Im not going to tell you again little dwarf
07-09-10 16:23:20
NationalConservatism ::: Favorites
07-09-10 16:21:49

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