Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Buddy Rich West Side Story 1974

Duration: 09:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 02:08:20
User: ludwig222
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Here's a short clip of Buddy playing west Side Story very laid back and quiet. Check out the snare work... how low is sticks are, yet he still gets the great sound on the snare. Perfect stick control. I wish I had the hole clip!


richcapo ::: Favorites
I can't tell for sure, but it looks like about three to five sets of doubles over what may be a half of a second. That would be six to ten notes during that short passage.
07-09-15 11:24:10
richcapo ::: Favorites
Good lord -- 6:47-6:48 ... left hand ... what the hell is that?!? I can't go that fast with two hands! Jimminy Christmas, Buddy!
07-09-15 00:03:02
ludwig222 ::: Favorites
If you listen real close from 32sec-36sec. It sounds like Buddy is singing!
07-09-13 21:52:53
MarkR1957 ::: Favorites
Buddy had disbanded the big band for about a year at this point. He had a small group that included many of the guys here -- Wilkins, Sal, Jackson, etc. He had just opened "Buddy's Place" and his small group played there, as well as toured. This big band was sort of "pick up" band that Buddy got together for this PBS special. Note Joe Temperly on bari sax, Angel Aaende on congas and John Bunch on piano.
07-09-07 17:33:13
drukk8 ::: Favorites
Thank you Mark, 1974 was the year that Sal Nistico appeared with this band; which lead me to the assumption of the recording date. You took it further, with the exact date! Coincidently, this was Count Basie's 70th birthday.
07-09-03 14:38:16
MarkR1957 ::: Favorites
This was recorded August 21, 1974.
07-09-03 13:44:34
drukk8 ::: Favorites
The year of this video is probally closer to 1974; not the year of "Mercy, Mercy" album (1968)
07-09-03 11:53:13
philandgary ::: Favorites
Yer man,he looks knackerd! Especially at 6:04!!
07-09-01 22:10:29
paolosyl ::: Favorites
No! it's not Don Alias,but that is definitely Anthony Jackson on bass guitar!!!!
07-08-28 02:00:31
chromeoverbrass ::: Favorites
OK, the conga player sounds very much like one from Santana...any possibility this is Don Alias?
07-08-13 17:59:09

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