Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Iraq war veteran discusses DU (Depleted Uranium), racism, et

Duration: 06:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 04:40:27
User: RattyRatman
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This video from Impeach: 1) 2) 3) Contact your representatives: 1) 2) Contact media: Troops Resist: 1) 2) 3) March on Washington September 15th: March on Washington September 29th: Huge anti-war site list: Http:// Some inspiring videos: 1) 2) 3) Me: 1) 2) "Silence, they say, is the voice of complicity. But silence is impossible. Silence screams. Silence is a message, Just as doing nothing is an act. Let who you are ring out & resonate In every word & every deed. Yes, become who you are. There's no sidestepping your own being Or your own responsibility. What you do is who you are. You are your own comeuppance. You become your own message. You are the message." In the Spirit of Crazy Horse ---Leonard Peltier . . . . .


Jackie205683 ::: Favorites
DEPLETED URANIUM IS KILLING US...and who's fault is why don't we change the way this world is ran and vote all the people who have been in congress for too long...out of there...just vote the imcumbents for someone new....this is the PEOPLE'S PARTY.....let's do something about this
07-09-23 18:55:01
Fergus1922 ::: Favorites
What a lisping little faggot. No way this panty-waist ever served. Get a job fat-boy.
07-09-18 06:25:46
RattyRatman ::: Favorites
Hey Fergus1922, good job! You are carrying on the proud tradition of administration lap dogs that never can do anything but name call. Why don't you try to factually dispute what he said? Because you can't, that's why. Just keep grunting and watching Fox News, they'll teach you how to deal with facts.
07-09-19 22:34:45
coldsteal2 ::: Favorites
Fake Veteran, Show me his DD214 and the places he has fought then ill listen till then hes just another "shit-bird" phoney.
07-09-03 09:27:38
RattyRatman ::: Favorites
Oh yeah, I guess we should only listen to REAL vets, like G.W.Bush. Oh wait, sorry, he went AWOL. Never mind. .................... Millard was sent with the 42nd Infantry Division to Iraq and served there for 13 months as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. YOU need to research before you open your pie hole bubba.
07-09-08 07:28:25
coder68 ::: Favorites
He told you where he fought. He said that his unit killed an entire family because an 18-year old boy or " haj" had failed to stop adequately enough at a checkpoint. He said that the term " haj ' was derogatory and as such, likely, at least in part, responsible for what can only be called a mass atricity. And yet here you continue to post the very samne kind of hate speech that results in such atrocities. Your bad.
07-09-27 20:51:07
RattyRatman ::: Favorites
I thought he was going to say something else when he said "I got certain specific things you can do", but he stayed on point and stated what they need done, and how the magnets don't help anyone.
07-08-18 08:10:45
vickieburns ::: Favorites
LOL! "I got your yellow ribbon right here, buddy!" (this requires visual)
07-08-18 16:25:14
RattyRatman ::: Favorites
Visual is clearly seen! Hahaha
07-08-19 03:25:56
vickieburns ::: Favorites
"We don't need no stinking ribbons" heehee..
07-08-19 04:04:47

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