Monday, October 8, 2007

Hans Groiner: The Music of Thelonious Monk, episode 1

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-17 21:25:32
User: RoboPrawn
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Austrian pianist, Hans Groiner, explores the music of Thelonious Monk.


linkblower ::: Favorites
Thank you Hans for opening our eyes! You have showed us the way. I really like your hair. I can't wait to see you on the US tour!!
07-10-06 23:31:22
DizzyShaw ::: Favorites
To anyone who doesn't realize this is a joke. YOU'RE STUPID!!! DON'T EVER REPRODUCE!!!!!!
07-10-06 23:29:40
mikethesax ::: Favorites
Most of Monk's records were recorded on Riverside or guess what! Columbia!
07-10-03 01:38:42
mikethesax ::: Favorites
The only thing funnier that this video is you!
07-10-03 01:37:11
lickykitties ::: Favorites
Take a chill pill. This is a spoof, silly.
07-10-01 17:35:23
criznitzle ::: Favorites
Why don't you just paint over the parts of the Mona Lisa that you don't like? Or touch up the Sistine Chapel to your liking? If this guy were any more full of himself, he'd be in his own asshole. This is terrible and an affront to the memory of Monk. Your music breathes SHIT.
07-10-01 14:49:52
Astir2Groucho ::: Favorites
This is what would have happened if Monk had signed with Columbia instead of Blue Note. Mitch Miller would turn his soon-to-be jazz classics into audio sleep aides, sales would plummet, and the records ending up in a melt-down for some sort of war drive.
07-10-01 14:46:39
dickydarcy ::: Favorites
Holy shit, this is appalling. He sounds like fucking Borat. I hope this is a joke, because if not he has bastardised everything that Monk's music was about. This man is arguably more fucked up than adolph hitler...
07-09-28 23:01:36
TheNobleEsromEvets ::: Favorites
wow that was... just bad well you needn't is the song that turned me on to jazz
07-09-28 00:54:01
culturekiller ::: Favorites
Monk, he's just a whole lot of talk and very little music. He's just mediocre and average. Infact he sucks ass. You know, I'm glad somebody has finally found the guts to reveal that a**hole for the fraud he really is. You're my hero. God bless.
07-09-27 01:32:23

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