Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Guess I'm Paranoid

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-24 08:38:48
User: festouverture
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a song i wrote very recently.. and i cut my own hair just moments before... out of spontaneity. so yes.. this is my room in good old san gabriel. lyrics arrre I had a dream That everyone Betrayed me I didn't know Nobody told me That everyone had a big change of plans The trees look different The birds are off key Now exactly what do you want from me? I guess I'm paranoid about these kinds of things You're using me I know you're using me No I'm really paranoid about these kinds of things You're abusing me But I don't even-- Nobody told me That I was the joke That people laughed about during lunchbreak My room looks different Did somebody break in? Oh I just don't feel right. I had a dream That everyone Betrayed me I guess I'm paranoid about these kinds of things No I'm really paranoid about these kinds of things I guess I'm paranoid...


kittykattykoo ::: Favorites
07-10-09 14:19:32
guest63 ::: Favorites
aah, love your haircut! we came home yesterday from France, dogs had a good time at the beach, running chasing seagulls. great song, nice room in San Gabriel too. more color :-) see ya :-)
07-10-08 13:44:17
librastars ::: Favorites
I like's like poetry. Good little guitar progression and accents. Good stuff.
07-10-07 18:44:40
kikitin1 ::: Favorites
Alo! I enjoyed it. The lyrics suggest things that we all feel at some point. By the end of the song I was kinda humming which means I'll eventually get to the point that I am going..."why do I keep humming that song!?" bottom line...I liked it. Thanks for sharing. -Jiladoora
07-10-07 11:44:06
Student81 ::: Favorites
Sorry, depressing was maybe the wrong word. [My english..] I acctually like this one very much.
07-10-05 18:16:15
Student81 ::: Favorites
No!!! I like to hear more of these slightly depressing, melancholic kind of songs! (You have to use reverse psychology here, Wojemamu, to get what you want) :)
07-10-05 14:55:36
Wojemamu ::: Favorites
Great song and lyrics. If it`s your`s, wonderfull and I like most of your interpretations. But to pass a small criticism, for my liking i`d prefer a sometimes less pathetic, more easygoing, faster, swinging style.
07-10-05 09:24:24
JohnnyOhio ::: Favorites
You are one of the least paranoid most talented people I have ever encountered. Okay...I don't have a real feeling about how paranoid you may or may not be. no one to judge. With regard to your talent and sheer beauty however I claim some expertise. That story is all true.
07-10-04 21:27:49
devergondee ::: Favorites
it sounds just like the Home Movies music
07-10-04 00:31:39
kienlim ::: Favorites
Great voice! Great singing! Thank you! Best wishes, Kien
07-10-02 23:04:10

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