Thursday, October 11, 2007

Korpiklaani - Hunting Song

Duration: 03:11 minutes
Upload Time: 05-12-06 16:50:56
User: pentfixion
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fredbear5150 ::: Favorites
No, I don't know the saying because it's a very jaded viewpoint you have. When you've been listening to rock, hard rock and metal for as long as I have (30+ years, yes I am THAT old!), you appreciate the variation in styles across the whole genre of music - this is why I listen to anything from Led Zeppelin to Nightwish, AC/DC to Radiohead, Stevie Ray Vaughan to Metallica.
07-10-10 06:21:31
Rokindja ::: Favorites
no,its not.its shit music.there's nothing heavy in it, and you know the saying...heavy metal or no metal at all!
07-10-10 05:27:32
fredbear5150 ::: Favorites
You need to lighten up, get your head out of your ass & go get a sense of humour! This is good, fun music!
07-10-09 19:47:07
Rokindja ::: Favorites
07-10-08 08:45:16
SteveHarris89 ::: Favorites
Ensiferum are very very good.. I love them, They are great!
07-09-29 10:02:19
ilovekhoresht ::: Favorites
Good god this video is ridiculous!!!
07-09-27 12:10:21
twiliqhtwinter ::: Favorites
Well, there's a great christian folk metal band called Holy Blood. It's really worth listening.
07-09-26 10:30:55
ksngs ::: Favorites
very nice i d say awesome song and vid. i really love folk metal but i know only few bands only: korpiklaani, cruachan, fintroll, skyclad, elvenking, geasa, skyforger, isengard, frostmoon, ay1 can tell me a good folk metal band????????
07-09-24 15:29:59
TuoppiBoy ::: Favorites
It's so fucking cool when they come to the hill to play at the begin :D
07-09-21 16:33:00
Germane6 ::: Favorites
can someone sent me this song 450331294 ICQ
07-09-16 14:13:51

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