Friday, October 5, 2007

Original song - Shooting Star

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-26 07:29:14
User: KlaraMcDonnell
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original song by me, Klara McDonnell!


lollypopdancer ::: Favorites
plz cheak out my channel plzzzzzzzand send a comment
07-10-04 23:27:43
onemilky ::: Favorites
check it out----->leo_abbada/oh my original song, selfmade and funny video!
07-10-04 08:30:42
SRHstoner23 ::: Favorites
wow ur really good...
07-10-04 02:29:07
hohe1238 ::: Favorites
Nicely done. Just try on the next vid to either sing louder or play your guitar a little quietly. But still very nice...
07-10-03 03:27:30
AwakenedChrono ::: Favorites
Why don't you ask nicely for it?
07-10-03 00:41:29
dm294 ::: Favorites
Great job! You have a beautiful voice. I just subscribed :) -Dan
07-10-02 16:31:32
MilliondollarX ::: Favorites
cool video. hey, can you check my video out and see if you can help me with my experiment. thanks and peace.
07-10-02 13:17:08
jayjaybyrne2006 ::: Favorites
Nice song, put the lyrics up
07-10-02 08:32:05
xshanriex ::: Favorites
Great job!At least your not a wussy and your trying!Keep up the good work and effort!
07-10-02 00:25:15
sportsportsport ::: Favorites
pretty nice. its good idea to post your lyrics in the descrption because its hard to hear what your singing.
07-10-01 20:27:29

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