Friday, October 5, 2007

White female charged with a "Hate Crime"

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 08:52:00
User: exposethemall
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Accused of stabbing two blacks


MyVideoCollection ::: Favorites
inbreeding started with the blacks when slave owners wouldn't let families even know who their brothers and sisters were. that's why they have such a low IQ. that's a fact.
07-09-30 23:05:21
guyNbluejeans ::: Favorites
Hate. It's everywhere. I'll be glad when I'm dead and gone. Never did much care for this crappy world.
07-09-30 00:39:30
MaryStewart ::: Favorites
yeah! they attack whites more often!
07-09-29 17:06:46
MaryStewart ::: Favorites
shut up nigger!
07-09-29 17:02:47
CrackersLikeBoys ::: Favorites
Kill the Cracker Bitch... shes inbred anyways.. send the crackerws back to europe.. french fucken fags!!!!!!
07-09-17 15:34:40
butspooky ::: Favorites
I know the blacks started it, and she probably was defending herself. and fighting back. Black people beat up and stab and shoot and rape white people everyday and there is no media coverage of that. google black on white crime and there is a whole list of hate crimes blacks do to whites
07-09-05 19:48:29
mdrnscrt ::: Favorites
I'm just surprised its not on every newspaper and TV media station 24/7 for the next 3 months.
07-08-24 02:17:23
CassieDynomite ::: Favorites
Meth is a hell of a drug
07-08-17 14:25:37
marcuslager ::: Favorites
stop whinin u faggets... two ni66az dead, who fukin cares?
07-08-12 11:19:08
tigerwoman ::: Favorites
Nasty racist bitch. She's crazy.
07-07-26 12:22:19

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