Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 20:35:14
User: morfeene2
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Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding


tlg847 ::: Favorites
Hey. Don't make jokes about Crocs, OK? Those people worked hard to make those shoes that ugly. Those are SERIOUSLY fugly shoes...they don't need some smartass foolin' around and laughin' about them, so, knock it off!
07-10-27 07:24:53
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites
Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
07-10-25 21:36:03
manyonerise ::: Favorites
Poopooing Walker? One of the great actors of our time? Oh shame shame.
07-10-24 16:44:25
phaedress ::: Favorites
yeah...but I am *overly* subtle. That's why most people here don't even know I'm trying to be funny all the time. Simple jokes tend to go over my head..
07-10-24 15:58:36
isabelgridley ::: Favorites
LOL That was hilarious! You Should win your own contest! lol Thanks for the laugh! :) *he he*
07-10-24 14:11:35
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
Chuck Norris is the reason we have "Outer Space" - it is afraid to be on the same planet as Chuck
07-10-24 13:58:19
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
....and I thought the joke wasn't very subtle! :-)
07-10-24 13:57:30
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
No-one shoots at Chuck Norris
07-10-24 13:57:01
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
YOU are the reason I have 2 pairs of these now! I blame all the people laughing at me in the street on YOU! :-)
07-10-24 13:56:18
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
yeah - it's good to be back though :-)
07-10-24 13:55:41

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