Wednesday, October 31, 2007

They Have us by the Balls

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-23 20:17:38
User: morfeene2
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Shameful and a disgrace. Oh Boy, will I be glad to see the back of that retard. It's like having Eeyore as President.


twister7boy ::: Favorites
so much does our government waste not putting money where it really needs to go. thats courpted politions working for you. money in their pocket so who cares. how about the people that really need the help. not just more bull*^%$ worthless crap. what a waste of goverment is in some ways. they forgot about the people and who elected them. hard for a good polition to do anything worth meaning because of all the bad ones. just more lies everybody thinks.
07-10-27 04:09:55
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites
Yeah, that last was tongue in cheek - I really meant all the rest. And hats off to y'all for taking a real stand, too many of "US" are stupefied into inaction it is pitiful! I feel like I'm living in a bubble here on the left coast. Where's the outrage?? !!
07-10-26 10:02:23
phaedress ::: Favorites
I'm in the same boat with you, Ruth. You guys go down so do we. Our leaders are just as corrupt, but we change them diferently. In fact, last week we almost overthrew the govt for reneging on Kyoto and staying in Afganistan...but the populace didn't want an election.
07-10-25 20:45:13
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites
You know we just have to turn off the damned TV, it's a cultural soporific ~~ WHAT WILL YOU DO when there is NO electricity, NO petroleum products and *water* is hard to find? We need to seriously think about these things and what our alternatives are, because the day isn't that far away, if we don't act now. If it's left in the hands of our "leaders", we're doomed! ~ Oh, yeah, you're Canadian. Never mind.
07-10-25 19:30:08
MamboDogFaceOne ::: Favorites
Oh and all over the radio they are comparing this with Katrina - it's the most mind slapping bullshit ... and all this hubris about "oh, FEMA and the Feds are doing SUCH a good job THIS TIME..." ugh. I think... "Ron Paul??" I'd really welcome someone with thoughts and suggestions outside the frigging box. And this from a true blue Dem.
07-10-25 19:15:41
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
Nice analogy
07-10-24 19:53:47
morfeene2 ::: Favorites
I'm dying over here......that's too much information :-) AAAAARRRGGHH
07-10-24 19:53:27
helivestubes ::: Favorites
Its been going on so slowly and so long that its like cooking a frog. U start with cold water and slowly heat it up untill its boiling and the frog doesnt figure out whats happening untill its too late. It just dies! America is the frog!
07-10-24 19:16:12
orju ::: Favorites
i cheated - that was from wikipedia. I went out for fish and chips tonight...mushy peas were £1 extra so i didnt bother. dont u want to know what OP is ? now thats much more interesting. I think morfe should do a series on traditional english food and drink.
07-10-24 17:46:31
phaedress ::: Favorites
Orju: now *that's* a proper answer. Though I feel like a right shit starting a culinary thread on morfeene's serious political rant.
07-10-24 16:00:58

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