Thursday, November 1, 2007

the spire fell again!!!

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 02:34:28
User: genghis6199
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don't ask. just enjoy the ride.


JohnnyStorm2007 ::: Favorites
Wow, another great shot of footage. Man, I wonder how you find these. Thanks for posting that. 5 stars.
07-11-01 04:41:27
diogeneslaertius666 ::: Favorites
People say of 9-11 conspiracy theory "oh the govt. cant do so and so, how could they plan it!" but we must openly admit in retort: they do not care about so and so, just about closing the deal. people more easily believe a big lie than a small one. if i could fight anyone in history i would fight john wayne.
07-11-01 03:36:48
genghis6199 ::: Favorites
good call. i'd fight hitler.
07-11-01 03:38:08
PollenB ::: Favorites
You are fighting hitler!
07-11-01 04:23:57

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