Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Backwards Pt. 3- Numa Numa Dance

Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-29 10:31:09
User: MCRmauricionvp

Backwards | lyircs | reverse | numa | dance 


"Hola" yet..another video..hope u guys liked it and everything and special thanks to SuperMimbles360 for the Sailor Moon Pictures!!!! and btw I DONT OWN SAILOR MOON so dont flag this video


evilsockpuppette  2008-02-18 20:59:31

Apparently Gary Brolsma speaks Spanish. Who knew? Surprisingly, this song is just as catchy and addictive backwards.
starsheepie  2008-02-18 20:13:14

I Love It!!!!!!!!!
homestarbot  2008-02-15 16:35:01

darn it :(
gtamta  2008-02-09 18:08:21

best song ever
Ollywoodproductions  2008-01-23 13:26:58

Yay a moon a moon

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