Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Money making guide runescape

Duration: 07:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-26 22:05:01
User: nedfrichman

runescape | ned | frichman | money | making 


money making guide for high level players,more comming soon


eatmygmaul  2008-02-17 08:20:09

ok thing with the tzhaar is..i killed 40 tzhaars and got no more than 430 tokkull,you kill 2 and u get obby
huhwhatrsvids  2008-02-03 16:26:21

i tried doing that but a revelant werewolf came up to me and i nearly died even though its level 70 it hit me for a 20 i used all my food and nearly lost a glory which is cheap but still! its impossible to get there without hittin a revelant!
makaandfluff  2008-01-30 15:13:48

lol i like this song :)
RivardThrowDown  2008-01-28 17:11:09

Dude Ring of Wealth(S) don't increase the chance of getting clues! It had been confirmed by Jagex!!
pena8555  2008-01-22 01:44:32

lol my account got 89 str like 100k till 90. I make all my moneys with slaying my cb 100. i kill dust devils i get d chains and sell them 10-11m each u get d chain 1/1500 dust devils

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