Sunday, March 23, 2008

Interview Tips: Why should we hire you? - the GOOD answer

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-07 17:34:39

A man, interviewing for a Management position, answers the common interview question: Why should we hire you? This is an example of a GOOD way to answer this question. Created by Fresno, California's most respected Recruiting, Staffing and Human Resources consulting firm -- Denham Resources.


craignkzoo  2008-03-04 17:08:42

Only two minutes? it just seems longer. I think what he is saying is good (although it does seem like BS) but I would love to see more passion on display.
janets213  2008-03-04 12:31:21

he kind of resembles Scott Baio... doesn't he??
CicadaTehL337  2008-03-02 18:46:08

wow, BS much?
hagadaba  2008-02-29 23:57:24

yeah, wayyyyyy too much lol
cooltommyx  2008-01-31 07:06:03

isn't he talking a bit too long?

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