Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spitfire IX vs Reggiane re2005

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-28 00:42:08

Gutnho pilotando o Spitfire, Rafius pilotando o Reggiane Simulador: Targetware, mod TargetTobruk Música: Vanessa Mae - Art of War


WingedAvngr  2008-03-16 16:12:53

It's Target: Tobruk, for the Targetware engine. Search for Targetware at google and you will probably find it ;)
JasonZarifis  2008-03-16 13:39:15

What sim is this?
vienikebevi80  2008-03-02 06:27:07

Probabilmente nella realtà il 2005 avrebbe costretto l'inglese a darsi all' ippica.Peccato il 2005 fu prodotto in soli 29 esemplari.Però si narra che i tedeschi ne abbiano catturato 13 esemplari e gli abbiano usati per difendere berlino dai bombardamenti alleati!Pare che i risultati siano stati così ottimi che indussero gli alleati a bombardare le fabbriche Reggiane radendole al suolo la notte tra il 7 e l'8 gennaio 1944. Paura eh ?????!!!!!
MobiusDragon89  2008-02-14 15:49:56

I know(it was an excuse to defend Italian pilots from stupid critics) XD Well, 5 kills don't really make you an experienced pilot. Depends on the aptitude - a rookie that is going to become an Ace would be able to shoot a true Ace down.
WingedAvngr  2008-02-14 15:31:23

No no no, you got me wrong :) I just said that there could be a situation where a "regular" pilot would be facing an Ace, wich could make a less powerful aircraft win over a "better" aircraft, like in the video I posted :P

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