Sunday, April 6, 2008

halo disaster

Duration: 00:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-12 22:30:45

my halos have been off lately..which culminated in a "back of the head almost break neck spin " lol the thing that comes in the camera's view is my wristband. my friend likes to humorously interfere with my videos.


aznboyeeee  2008-04-03 23:06:38

oh, i wuz using my friends account by accident lol....
NeoLeY  2008-04-01 19:04:41

oh lolz, dats great mann xD.... u are so0o0o close dude, all u have to do iz icey ice, than simply lift ur forearm upward (dnt push at all), and than ur palm will be stuck to the ground, than u'll slide over. so try making sure ur locked on ur icey ice, than lift....
12345643  2008-03-31 23:48:37

haha no. ive been working more on my foundation
aznboyeeee  2008-03-31 23:29:25

do u have ur halos now dude?
12345643  2008-03-22 03:15:18

well, what you certainly saw the head twist and i dont think i could have faked that. the sock got in the way because my friend likes to screw around with my footage, and it just so happened that that was one of the videos showing it.

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