Sunday, April 6, 2008

sakura just the girl for naruto

Duration: 04:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-31 14:30:38

i made this like in a hour


DaisyWonder219  2008-03-25 12:01:16

ya right u are the gay one here naruto and sakura is a great couple !! sakura is NOT a whore.
TRERULZ22  2008-03-14 20:48:22

zukoheartkatara  2008-03-09 18:35:55

Calm down, man its my bro. Its just a joke. And no, i didn't once put I'm a whore MR. razrs20. kk, good.
razrs20  2008-03-09 15:03:48

you know u shouldent call urself a whore it gives ppl bad images
TWTSAM95  2008-02-18 20:41:59

Great Job!! I noticed you put doors down (3 doors down) as the artist on the tags, Sorry don't flame me for this, Its click 5. Great vid! SakuNaru!!!

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