Sunday, August 26, 2007

20070601 全民大悶鍋 惺惺相惜 惺光大道

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-01 21:28:03
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

20070601 全民大悶鍋 惺惺相惜 惺光大道 楊宗緯-郭子乾飾 蕭敬騰-洪都拉斯飾

carolloveyou ::: Favorites
不喜歡他們, 他們沒有像原唱的半成!
07-06-24 06:52:18
cheekysupergirl ::: Favorites
chineese cant sing everybody kin da knows that...
07-06-03 16:12:06
somewhereoverthe ::: Favorites
it's not real..they are just making fun of the real singing contest search "Super Star avenue", some guys are awesome!!!
07-06-05 13:42:30
zanxiang ::: Favorites
haha.....funny like hell
07-06-03 15:33:25
wendysung626 ::: Favorites
07-06-02 04:57:50

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