Sunday, August 26, 2007

20070706 超級星光大道 總決賽 (11/13)

Duration: 09:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 23:03:09
User: hmhuangh
:::: Favorites

楊宗緯 曹格 蕭敬騰 合唱 背叛

bigbang890121 ::: Favorites
cao ge sings it better than the other two, but both of them are good singers too. i hope they could get more talented ppl like aska and蕭敬騰 on the 2nd episode but plz no more crying :D
07-08-16 05:18:58
wumeimei ::: Favorites
07-08-08 21:04:25
foocw ::: Favorites
how come every video has a part that feels like it's fast-forwarded?
07-08-08 13:39:14
bladestail ::: Favorites
retards hahahahaha
07-07-28 04:06:57
bladestail ::: Favorites
i meant "life"
07-07-28 04:06:39
bladestail ::: Favorites
get a live people
07-07-28 04:05:44
miyukt ::: Favorites
wtf is a "get a live people"? you mean get a liver?rofl
07-07-31 19:01:20
Kev6198 ::: Favorites
蕭敬騰 R O C K S
07-07-16 21:53:39
tinalaw ::: Favorites
I luv 蕭敬騰!! His response is so cutieeee!! He looks cute when he is shy.
07-07-15 16:01:21
smileLG ::: Favorites
wats up with the video?
07-07-12 16:52:57
eva425 ::: Favorites
love 蕭敬騰 king of the world
07-07-12 04:25:01
musicfan200611 ::: Favorites
杨忠伟唱得太好听, 真的希望他早日出个人专辑!
07-07-11 18:05:42
cherrylee1989 ::: Favorites
07-07-09 10:36:17
Angelwish0531 ::: Favorites
07-07-08 13:13:51
JennieHowell ::: Favorites
how come all the guys either have the same hair cut as all the others and the only ones who have a different hair cut have one that looks like they are wearing a helmet? I used to have the helmet head look back in the 80s what year was this made?
07-07-08 10:03:53
yeapjun ::: Favorites
Gary is the best!!=)
07-07-08 01:18:48
xpixiedustx ::: Favorites
曖昧~! ha ha they are too cute! i love the harmony parts in the end. =)
07-07-08 00:26:03
flowerangel42 ::: Favorites
but 楊宗緯 and 楊宗緯 sings well too!hopefully they get to release album!
07-07-07 22:37:35
flowerangel42 ::: Favorites
gary sings the best among them!(X
07-07-07 22:33:59
dadilala ::: Favorites
is it just me, or is the video fast forwarded in quite a few places?
07-07-07 21:13:11

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