Sunday, August 26, 2007

Naruto Shippuden Episode 22 Part 2/2 English Subbed

Duration: 10:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-03 12:05:45
User: BlackholeG
:::: Favorites

Naruto Shippuden Episode 22 Part 2/2 English Subbed

TKND ::: Favorites
07-08-25 11:40:29
jamesrules68 ::: Favorites
Sasori's face kinda looks like he is a little kid who broke a lamp and is getting yelled at by his mom...:)
07-08-23 15:39:11
willi6666666 ::: Favorites
man, i no sasori is evil, but i gotta say he is AWSOME!YEA!
07-08-20 18:43:56
ratchet2006 ::: Favorites
i think sasori had other idea's with sakura other than turnin her into a puppet (if he was goin to do tht)
07-08-17 20:05:12
humpreylopez13 ::: Favorites
07-08-17 08:37:21
gefbelleza123 ::: Favorites
Naruto Rocks woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
07-08-16 02:49:34
yankeeeminemluver ::: Favorites
oh my... sasuke is usealy there to protect her but now... no one just starangers now..
07-08-12 21:49:27
KornKrlz2 ::: Favorites
sakura is annoying. they try too hard to make her good.
07-08-11 07:31:52
MayukoXx ::: Favorites
No they don't. She's actually a better character than in the regular Naruto Series, as she's not annoying anymore.
07-08-12 17:21:19
pockymaster ::: Favorites
They made her better than in the first round. She's not the damsel in distress anymore, they improved her character. So now she's trying.
07-08-15 13:52:13
maven21 ::: Favorites
Everyboy has got to relize that Sakura has been trainde personally by the 5th Hokage the top ninja in Khona and she has always been a good student so for her to be improved is very realistic
07-08-19 18:47:17
PinkKitty24 ::: Favorites
woo go sakura
07-08-09 19:54:11
kingdomheartsFF4ever ::: Favorites
wow sasori was one fucked up kid!
07-08-09 17:15:18
narutard18 ::: Favorites
wouldnt sakura be blown up ??? =/
07-08-08 01:07:45
GunnaboyXd ::: Favorites
sasori is even lower no offense sasori fans
07-08-07 17:07:49
oscarcond ::: Favorites
i like the position sakura was in at 2:00
07-08-06 10:13:23
spencerthesin ::: Favorites
07-08-07 14:01:04
nusarikaya ::: Favorites
Oh yes, Sakura, because you'll TOTALLY be able to capture Sasori-Danna with no limbs, and while poisoned. Dumbass. Cch.
07-08-06 03:40:14
TDRdr ::: Favorites
i like that battle theme during 7;40
07-08-05 21:43:37
Watercat24 ::: Favorites
I like the fight, chiyo veruses sasori :)
07-08-05 16:06:29

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