Thursday, August 9, 2007

2.The War On Britains Jews

Duration: 358 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 06:41:36
User: checked300
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The new anti-Semitism: How the Left reversed history to bring Judaism under attack

BigEdd34 ::: Favorites
is this for real? jews under attack?? man jews have never had it so good!!! Islam is under attack... now that i can believe.
07-07-11 19:11:44
DelinquentFaith ::: Favorites
He is trying to give the impression that the majority of BRITISH are doing this, out to get the Jews.....this is sensationalist.
07-07-12 01:10:29
soheil87 ::: Favorites
fuck muslims fuck jews fuck you all just fucking get algon and leav each other alone
07-07-12 04:23:47
stewart0312 ::: Favorites
Haven't we learnt anything from history. Governments should put more resources to infiltrate organisations that preach hate, arrest the ring leaders and give them electro-shock therapy.
07-07-12 05:41:44
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Britain's refusal to deport all Muslims, and now more recently the "Mega Mosque" in London, shows clearly that Britain is lost. Brits who don't wish to be slaves of the Muslims should seek assylum in the USA while they can! :/
07-07-12 05:55:10
atanas2007 ::: Favorites
We will save Europe from islamisation. We will unite and fight together, all Europeans together agains barabarism. This will happen. We will never see a muslim Europe. Stand up!
07-07-16 15:02:26
vvvv9090 ::: Favorites
How is islam under attack? Britain had accomodated muslims and any racism is taken really seriously, islam is not under attack. (well i didnt think it was until i read some of these comments but on the whole every1 is very accepting of muslims.) But anti-semitism is on the rise and i really feel for the jews as if they havent been through enough.
07-07-20 09:32:52
iplaytime ::: Favorites
Jewish religion is 2000years older than a sorry little pethatic excuse for a religion even was named islam... so shut the fuck up
07-07-23 12:24:47
ALLL135 ::: Favorites
No thanks.
07-07-23 19:01:50
Seiku ::: Favorites
07-07-28 00:19:27

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