Thursday, August 9, 2007

Are you all being duped by a "Corporate Marketing Scam"?

Duration: 892 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-23 16:36:55
User: renetto
:::: Favorites
Description: Thanks for watching... paul P.S. I have no proof that any other YouTubers were paid to make videos for YouTube... that was just my openion... nothing more... nothing less... "Renetto from YouTube"

Parosh ::: Favorites
07-06-18 11:26:21
seabbott ::: Favorites
so now your advertising "live video"? you are so impressed with yourself... give me a break, Robinett... you have no talent, you are not interesting.. you should really should get over yourself... "we" and I am so not impressed.. this is just another commercial for "live video"? ... you are so full of crap..
07-06-19 14:35:55
UserOfCommonSense ::: Favorites
with all due respect, he did say himself that he had no talent and that hes just a regular guy. Give him a break.
07-06-21 02:16:38
gnash68 ::: Favorites
Good for you, renetto. This is an important discussion. You have been honest about how UGC video is changing. Revenue sharing is out there. We all need to consider the ethics of that.
07-06-21 03:53:49
vanmonster ::: Favorites
good video
07-06-25 04:06:31
Melbourneleader ::: Favorites
i used to be on livevideo and it sucks
07-06-25 09:47:55
DealyRizazamatizazz ::: Favorites
I find you talented, hell, I even get a laugh watching these rants, these are the longest vids I have watched.
07-07-19 22:24:35
WICKEDmount ::: Favorites
Wow, You are so talented
07-07-27 12:27:39
johnrc329 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for sex related stuff. I like the website _CAMZHOME.COM_
07-08-02 18:17:25
rtsman3 ::: Favorites
fuck u @ss
07-08-04 23:41:41

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