Thursday, August 9, 2007

Beyonce Falls Down In Concert!!!

Duration: 312 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 17:43:54
:::: Favorites

MUSIC EDITION! Beyonce! Kelly! Jessica! Lance!

SaineRaine ::: Favorites
I'm Straight. Feel better?
07-08-08 23:48:50
EmoGirlDx ::: Favorites
haha, doode dint she request for people not to post this on youtube ? [x
07-08-08 23:52:59
GISweetPea ::: Favorites
I JUST subscribed and I've been watching your clips and I LOVE them. WHAT THE BUCK!!!!! I love you.
07-08-08 23:56:19
omerta25 ::: Favorites
I want a parade damn it!!!
07-08-09 00:27:18
Sei1863 ::: Favorites
a heap of weave and sequins... LOVE YOU!!
07-08-09 01:05:36
blueangel88 ::: Favorites
lol... omg... I'm an awful person I love beyonce... but this really made me laugh...
07-08-09 01:10:54
Jayy630 ::: Favorites
my cousin was at the concert and she wasn't lip syncing. I dont see you doing big things like beyonce. Everyone trips,falls ect. It has to happen at least once in your life, and it happend to beyonce, at a concert, in front of millions of people.
07-08-09 01:12:05
laciebaby ::: Favorites
"i saw a kid fall down the stairs once and i laughed. so basically i'm a horrible person." HAHAHAHAH. man, that part was hilarious.
07-08-09 01:19:43
eekovar ::: Favorites
i love you, this is prob. the best video blog i've seen. aaaahmazing!
07-08-09 01:37:53
greendaychick26 ::: Favorites
OMFG, THIS GUY SHOULD LIVE FOREVER!!!! GO WAT THE BUCK!!!!YAY!!!!!! if u dnt lik him, then fuck you, and if u dnt like him, DONT WATCH DUMASS!!!!! thx ^_^ ~katina~
07-08-09 01:40:11

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