Sunday, August 19, 2007

Another New Subscribers "Shout Out" (4/29 to 5/24)

Duration: 06:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-24 08:46:44
User: Xelanderthomas
:::: Favorites

I've had an influx of new subscribers recently. If you subbed to me before May, you're more than likely on one of my ealier "Shout Outs" if you're new and not on this one, then you may have just missed the cut and you will be on the next one...promise. I hope I've made fun enough to watch even if you're not a mentioned subscriber.

NiggerBuster ::: Favorites
My Sincere apologies. Yes I am in it at the 2:04 mark. See you got the FruityGayMan, that cock subscribes to everyone. I take him off mine. Thank You, Your the Man. I've been away , got some catching up to do on your Vid's. Keep going with the great vid's. Remember what I told you before. Maybe just a little quicker tempo on some things.
07-05-30 22:00:02
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
Yeah, I know you want to get me to Chris Rock status :-) Yeah, I know I see FuityGM around a lot but I have a policy of not deleting or blocking. I mean come on, I have NiggerBuster! And about 5 other subscribers who use that cherised word ;-)
07-05-31 02:24:41
WiggerBuster ::: Favorites
Hi, its me the "NiggerBuster". I got a comment saying I was getting a fan club, haven't seen any of it yet myself. To be fair I thought I'd grab the name WiggerBuster before someone took it. Got these from GhostBusters. But myself I'm not out to bust some niggers up. I just throw out some bait, and if the Brother takes it hook, line, and sinker, "BOOM" he's been busted. Now I've got to see it works on Wiggers.
07-06-01 00:19:15
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
I've always got where you were coming from man. Let me know how it goes with the Wigger ;-)
07-06-01 02:28:11
TheSacredNword ::: Favorites
How come the niggers or niggas, (a high octane nigger), get to use that cherished N word ? If whites were allowed to use the sacred "N" word, the Blacks would stop calling each other niggers. Chinese don't call each other Chinks, or Mexicans don't call each other Spics, etc.... Most of the time Whites don't call each other niggers or crackers, but are usually proud to be either one. How come Blacks get this special right ???
07-06-02 00:47:01
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
Good question. I don't see what it has to do with this video but good question. How did this happen? Good point about Chinese & lost me on "...Whites don't call each other...but are proud to be either one" HUH?
07-06-02 02:26:34
TheSacredNword ::: Favorites
This was in reply about the 5 subscribers of yours who use the "cherished N word". In my observations I don''t see white boys call each other Cracker or Nigger, but when someone else calls them a Cracker or Nigger, they sure as hell seem proud to be part of the group.
07-06-02 12:58:59
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
But the subscribers who use that in their titles are White. Trust me, I've spoken with most of them. Ni**erBuster is White, ArabsNi**ersSameShit is White and so too are a couple of others. Sorry, I understand your arguement but in this case it doesn't wash. It's not true. These guys are White. I guess they want to make a statement. I don't censor people like I say in the video. It's not my choice. Thanks for the commet :-)
07-06-02 14:20:31
ArabsNiggersSameShit ::: Favorites
I like the ending.
07-06-03 01:25:31
ArabsNiggerSameShit ::: Favorites
I'm back for now , a little modified. Can't keep a good man down.
07-06-28 00:51:10

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