Sunday, August 19, 2007

Embracing Criticism V: (a better racist)

Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 00:27:27
User: Xelanderthomas
:::: Favorites

I am affraid you'll stick with this video only if you are a "hard core" fan of the EMBRACING CRITICISM series. It's long (my longest so far) But if you have watched the progress of the EC videos (I II II & IV) I think you will enjoy it. If you are one of those who tend to say "oh, you should ingnore the haters and they will go away"(then you take this far too seriously to be a true Xelanderian and might want your minutes back if you watch)

mandukka ::: Favorites
This is amazing. I hate people who can't spell ANYTHING right. I'm definately subscribing. ps- After watching this video, I'm scared of misspelling any words in this comment :D
07-07-19 05:55:06
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
ha haha thanks for sudskibing
07-07-19 08:10:26
mandukka ::: Favorites
:P thanks, made me feel better :D
07-07-20 16:59:45
blackoooo ::: Favorites
you didn't know what Baathism means, you'd should've try google or wikipedia. they can help you.
07-08-03 14:15:40
CypressHillSoldier72 ::: Favorites
Hahah damn that was great! ignorant,retarded,asshole. i think that would best describe any racist.
07-08-06 19:19:34
Xelanderthomas ::: Favorites
were you alsep or something? I put this video up 2 months ago. it took you this long to say that?
07-08-07 00:50:36
ayanna1borred ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-12 22:31:20
blackoooo ::: Favorites
hey, im suggesting you should try google or wikipedia to look up baathism
07-08-14 20:39:53
228player ::: Favorites
07-08-18 14:14:38
JCLYM ::: Favorites
xD Nice. I nevr mispele!
07-08-18 14:53:16

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